7 900 грн/курс
Business Speaking Course
Старт – 1-17 апреля

Business Speaking Course

Овладеете 15 современными бизнес-темами для обсуждения на английском языке. Рассмотрите вопросы трендов, конкуренции, мотивации и изменений в деловой среде

15 занятий 90 мин. 2 месяца
Записаться на курс и пройти тестирование

Что будет на курсе?


Мы сосредоточимся на трендах, конкуренции, мотивации и изменениях в деловой среде. Рассмотрим эти темы с разных позиций, обменяемся мнениями и проанализируем их в контексте современных бизнес-реалий


90% занятия посвящаем общению в парах или группах. Это поможет вам стать более уверенными и эффективными коммуникаторами: вы усовершенствуете навыки выражения своего мнения, попрактикуетесь в ведении дебатов и обсуждении рабочих ситуаций


Программа разработана таким образом, чтобы ускорить расширение вашего словарного запаса за короткое время. Вы ознакомитесь с широким спектром новых терминов, выражений и слов, используемых в бизнес-среде

Week 1-2. Happiness at work, Business lifecycle

Happiness at work

You will:
- discuss elements of positive work environment;
- learn new phrases to describe work environment;
- debate on the topic of work-life balance;
- learn about Hygge and how to apply its principles at work.

Business lifecycle

You will:
- compare different classifications of business lifecycle stages;
- analyse one of the classification;
- discuss the questions a business owner should always ask;
- talk about businesses that will be profitable in the nearest future.

Week 2-3. Sponsorship and charity, Productivity at work

Sponsorship and charity

You will:
- compare different classifications of business lifecycle stages;
- analyse one of the classification;
- discuss the questions a business owner should always ask;
- talk about businesses that will be profitable in the nearest future.

Productivity at work

You will:
- discuss the perks that might influence employees' productivity;
- discuss what is good and bad for productivity;
- talk about SMART goals and stretch goals;
- learn some tips on how to be more productive.

Week 3-4. Career breaks and taking a vacation, Famous millionaires / billionaires

Career breaks and taking a vacation

You will:
- brainstorm the reasons why people take a career break / vacation;
- discuss the advantages and disadvantages of taking a career break;
- learn about how some famous people spend their career breaks;
- discuss the importance of taking a vacation.

Famous millionaires / billionaires

You will:
- learn about and discuss billionaires' morning routines;
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic;
- discuss DO's and DON'Ts of becoming a billionaire;
- discuss some facts about millionaires.

Week 4-5. University education: is it hindrance or benefit, Worcation: new reality

University education: is it hindrance or benefit

You will:
- brainstorm the pluses of university education;
- share your personal experience related to the topic;
- discuss the purpose of universities;
- learn about and discuss the pros and cons about Yale university.

Worcation: new reality

You will:
- discuss what the workation is, reasons why people go and results,
- debate whether it's more difficult or easier to do work during workation,
- practice 12 idioms to talk about easy-mode and hard-mode work,
- use different phrases to ask for opinions and give advice.

Week 5-6. Building relationships in business, Business coaching

Building relationships in business

You will:
- talk about trust and how we can build it;
- learn and discuss some tips for building relationships in business;
- read about the experience of well-known companies;
- discuss bad business decisions.

Business coaching

You will:
- talk about coaching and its benefits;
- discuss some cases for coaching;
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic;
- role-play the situations related to coaching.

Week 6-7. Health at work, Perfect vacations

Health at work (digital health, burnout, stress, wellbeing)

You will: 
- take the test and discuss the results of your level of well-being;
- talk about the tips for healthier worklife;
- learn 8 idioms to talk about burnout and stress at work (e.g., a lot on my plate, up to my neck, at breaking point etc);
- discuss the most common reasons for work-related stress and possible solutions.

Perfect vacations

You will:
- discuss the process of choosing the destination for vacation;
- share your vacation experience;
- discuss how to plan your vacation if you're on a budget;
- talk about your dream vacation.

Week 7-8. Communication style at work, How to become an expert

Communication style at work

You will:
- discuss the tips on how to communicate at work;
- learn 10 idioms about communication and practice using them in your own answers;
- brainstorm the ways how you can deal with 4 different styles of communication;
- role-play the situations in which you will have to avoid the conflict and have a productive meeting.

How to become an expert

You will:
- discuss the main qualities of a reliable expert;
- learn 10 idioms to talk about expertise (e.g., be a whiz, be in the dark);
- brainstorm the steps on how to become an expert in your field;
- role-play situations giving feedback with constructive criticism and compliments.

Week 8-9. On the run / Multitasking, Monopolies and сartels. Final speaking test

On the run / Multitasking

You will:
- talk about activities you can do simultaneously;
- discuss whether multitasking has a negative impact;
- look at the tips on how to stay focused on important tasks;
- learn 10 idioms connected to performing (e.g., blue-sky thinking).

Monopolies and сartels. Final speaking test

You will:
- discuss the difference between a monopoly and a cartel;
- learn about monopolies and Anti-trust Laws;
- talk about some famous cartel leaders and monopolists;
- learn new vocabulary and use it during the debates.

Детализированная программа курса Business Speaking / Upper-Intermediate (В2)


Здесь ты найдешь первый урок курса. Он в открытом доступе и ты можешь самостоятельно пройти его, чтобы ознакомиться со структурой уроков, типами заданий и наполнением учебника. 

Week 1-2. INTRO. Growth mindset, The paper ceiling

INTRO. Growth mindset

You will:
- talk about worldview and why it is hard to change it
- find out the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset
- come up with tips on how to develop a growth mindset
- create a workshop based on developing employees' mindset in groups

The paper ceiling

You will:
- learn more about "the paper ceiling
- find out who STARs are
- discuss the ways to deal with the paper ceiling
- brainstorm in groups the ideas to support "Tearing the Paper Ceiling"

Week 2-3. Food supply, Cheap and profitable

Food supply

You will:
- brainstorm the benefits and drawbacks of importing goods
- learn how the food supply chain works
- find out how blockchain is used for food transportation
- discuss the farm-to-table concept

Cheap and profitable

You will:
- discuss the essential items in daily lives
- analyse the cases of the most popular items
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. money talks, stockpile)
- create a marketing campaign in groups

Week 3-4. Charity makers, Young and audacious

Charity makers

You will:
- find out the difference between patrons, philanthropists and fundraisers
- talk about famous representatives in the sphere of charity
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. allocate funds, be held in a pledge)
- role-play situations to support different causes

Young and audacious

You will:
- learn more about young entrepreneurs
- find out the challenges young entrepreneurs encounter
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. achieve career aspirations, feel valued)
- create a plan to support young entrepreneurs in groups

Week 4-5. Is the game worth the candle, Working alone

Is the game worth the candle?

You will:
- analyse different job
- find out what sacrifices actors and actresses make for the film parts
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. go above and beyond, think on one's feet)
- talk about the unseen perspectives of your job

Working alone

You will:
- discuss the pros and cons of working solo and in teamÄ
- brainstorm the activities to boost productivity for people working alone
- find out the difference between a coworking space, a flexispace, hot-desking and hoteling
- learn more about coffee-badging

Week 5-6. Staff retention, Diversification

Staff retention

You will:
- learn the difference between employee turnover and employee retention
- brainstorm the ways companies can retain employees
- find out what two-factor theory is and how it is connected to employees' motivation
- discuss a case study of how to retain employees in groups


You will:
- find out how some famous companies have diversified (e.g. Nike, Nokia, etc.)
- talk about related and unrelated diversification)
- brainstorm the pros and cons of diversification)
- come up with ideas on how to diversify business using study cases

Week 6-7. Family business, Future workplace

Family business

You will:
- find out how family firms survive in the competitive business setting
- learn new vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. leverage, pass the baton)
- role-play the situations connected to family businesses
- debate about working for a corporation or a family business

Future workplace

You will:
- speculate on how the workplace will look like in the future
- learn the vocabulary connected to the topic (e.g. fatigue, time-bending)
- find out how holograms can be used in communication
- discuss how to improve the office environment

Week 7-8. Competition and partnership, Delegation

Competition and partnership

You will:
- discuss the importance of competition and collaboration
- brainstorm the pros and cons of collaborating with a rival company
- find out about different famous collaborations
- discuss a study case of how companies can collaborate


You will:
- brainstorm the pros and cons of delegation
- learn how Bill Gates approaches delegation
- find out what the 70% rule is about
- discuss key principles and mistakes of delegating tasks

Week 8-9. Five stars, Reverse mentoring. Final speaking test

Five stars

You will:
- discuss VIP services
- explore the significance of a customer service team
- speculate on potential pros and cons of working in VIP sectors
- create a VIP service concept in groups

Reverse mentoring. Final speaking test

You will:
- discuss the concept of mentoring
- learn about different types of mentoring (e.g. one-on-one mentoring, situational mentoring, etc.)
- find out what reverse mentorship is about
- create a reverse mentorship programme in groups

Детализированная программа курса Business Speaking / Advanced (C1)


Здесь ты найдешь первый урок курса. Он в открытом доступе и ты можешь самостоятельно пройти его, чтобы ознакомиться со структурой уроков, типами заданий и наполнением учебника. 

Ваш преподаватель



Business English teacher 8+ years of experience

Master: English Language and Literature, Translation Studies

Certified by Yappi Teacher Training Centre

Projects with Yappi Corporate: Stepico Games, Tabletochki, Royal Canin, AgroProSperis, Room 8 Studio, Henkel, Jabil Ukraine, Novapay, Caritas, etc.

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Как проходит обучение?

Вы будете учиться онлайн в группах от 4 до 8 человек

Более 90% занятия – это разговорная практика с отработкой изученного материала

Обсуждаем актуальные темы в сфере бизнеса (тренды, конкуренция, мотивация, изменения в деловой среде), разбираем ошибки, отрабатываем новый материал

Используем современные tech tools на уроках

Уделяем внимание каждому студенту и регулярно проверяем усвоение материала с помощью progress tests

Обязательно анализируем ошибки: грамматические, при произношении; работаем над корректным построением предложений

Заявка принята. Мы перезвоним вам в ближайшее время.

Что я получу?

— Вы усовершенствуете свои навыки устного высказывания

— Значительно расширите словарный запас бизнес-лексики
и преодолеете языковой барьер

— Освоите small talk и подниметесь на новый уровень владения языком

— А также получите сертификат, который сможете добавить
в ваш CV и профиль LinkedIn

Sat, December 25 11:00-13:00

Evaluating performance

Anastasia Skovoroda

Sat, December 25 11:00-13:00

Selling a product or a service

Anastasia Skovoroda

Sat, December 25 11:00-13:00

Onboarding and mentoring

Anastasia Skovoroda

Sat, December 25 11:00-13:00

How to interrupt politely

Anastasia Skovoroda

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1. Сколько времени нужно выделять на домашнее задание? plus

До 30 минут. Домашние задания позволяют больше закрепить материал. Также студент самостоятельно проходит «перевернутые классы», то есть знакомится с материалом, который будет на занятии, чтобы максимально уделить время на отработку на уроке.

2. Будут ли записываться уроки? plus

Да, мы записываем занятия в случае отсутствия хотя бы одного студента. Видео сохраняется в течение 14 дней.

3. Как происходит коммуникация на курсе и в каком формате преподаватель дает фидбек? plus

Студент получает фидбек на каждом уроке. Преподаватель уделяет отдельно время на разбор ошибок. Если у преподавателя есть отдельные пожелания, то он их может оставить лично в вашем профиле в yCloud. Также каждая группа имеет свой telegram-канал, в котором студенты могут задавать вопросы и обмениваться информацией.

4. А сертификат будет? plus

Да, в конце курса вы напишете финальный тест и по его результатам получите сертификат прохождения своего уровня. Хорошая новость – его можно легко добавить в ваш профиль в LinkedIn.

5. А что, если мне не понравится? plus

Первое занятие на курсе бесплатное. Уже после него вы решаете, продолжать ли свое обучение. Также вы можете вернуть деньги в течение первых 7 дней после оплаты.


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